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Transformational Life Solutions

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At Transformational Life Solutions we work collaboratively with our partners to enhance the quality and capacity to deliver results of the highest calibre. We presently partner with Changefirst Limited in the United Kingdom and are licensed to use the John Maxwell material in all our training, coaching and speaking exercises.


At Transformational Life Solutions we work collaboratively with our partners to enhance the quality and capacity to deliver results of the highest calibre. We presently partner with Changefirst Limited in the United Kingdom and are licensed to use the John Maxwell material in all our training, coaching and speaking exercises.

We’re happy to announce..

TLS is the exclusive partner and provider of Changefirst People Centred Implementation (PCI ®) Change Management training, certification and solutions in the Caribbean.
Business men hand shake

Changefirst is a research-based Change Management Management solutions provider, helping global organizations with today’s #1 challenge: delivering effective change. By enabling and upskilling leaders and their teams with the relevant know-how; tools, techniques and best practice to expand their capability for organizational change. To ensure they keep performing while transforming – and to enable them to disrupt and reinvent themselves as needed to remain competitive.

We provide creative transformational solutions for our clients locally and around the world!

From strategy development to implementation, our solutions are tailored to your unique needs and designed to deliver tangible results.

Audra Proctor, CEO and Owner, Changefirst Limited

TLS is the exclusive partner and provider of Changefirst People Centred Implementation (PCI ®) Change Management training, certification and solutions in the Caribbean.

Message from our Partner

“Transformational Life Solutions is a training, life, and business coaching and change consulting company in Jamaica – led by Mrs. Cordell Williams-Graham. Cordell and her team have spent the last eight years helping their clients to build capability and resilience for the Change and Transformation needed to realize real sustained growth in their chosen markets. Their practical solutions and Cordell’s personal drive, skills, and proven talents as a Change Maker have generated real results for organizations across the Caribbean.

With those credentials, we are pleased to have Transformational Life Solutions as our exclusive delivery partner in the Caribbean, and Cordell as an affiliate facilitator delivering training and coaching to our clients across the globe.

The TLS team joins our partner network as highly experienced, like-minded professionals. Sharing our purpose to help organisations build the adaptive capabilities needed to deliver effective and Sustainable Change.”

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TLS is also happy to collaborate with the John Maxwell Team

Members of our team are certified trainers, coaches and speakers. We are therefore, certified and licensed to use the John Maxwell Group exclusive content as part of our coaching training and delivery methodology allowing us to deliver to you enhanced and best of class strategies from around the world!